Taucher im RiffSSI COURSES

Become the best diver you can be.

Imagine feeling completely weightless, diving down to admire the breathtaking marine life in Dahab, effortlessly gliding through the water. This is not a dream but a reality waiting for you!

From introductory dives to the SSI Open Water Diver course, various specialty courses like Nitrox, Deep Diving, or Night Diving, all the way to becoming a Divemaster – you can learn it all with us. Safety is our top priority, and we do our best to giving you a successful start in the diving sport. That’s why we teach in small groups – sometimes even individually – and our instructors take ample time for you to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills at your own pace.

If you’d like, you can also try different equipment configurations like Sidemount or Double Tank Diving. Blue Ocean Dive Dahab is a fully equipped technical diving center that offers a wide range of technical diving courses alongside recreational diving.

We are part of SSI (Scuba Schools International), the world’s most respected diving organization. A certification with SSI opens up a world of diving opportunities for you. With over 50 years of experience, SSI has a global network of over 100,000 dive professionals and more than 3,500 dive centers and resorts, ensuring your certification is recognized worldwide.

Become part of the Blue Ocean Dive family and start your diving adventure with us!

Beginner's Programs

Are you ready to discover the secrets of our oceans? SSI beginner courses offer you a unique gateway to an extraordinary underwater journey. Whether you have experience with diving or not, these courses are carefully designed to teach beginners the basics of dive safety, equipment handling, and diving techniques in a safe and structured environment. Each course is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, allowing you to practice your new skills in both confined and open water settings. This approach ensures a comprehensive and effective learning experience. By choosing an SSI beginner course, you take your first step to becoming part of an international diving community and starting your adventure in the fascinating marine world.

SSI Basic Diver

Basic Diver

Take your first breaths underwater and discover the world beneath the water’s surface from a new perspective.

SSI Scuba Diver

Scuba Diver

Learn the essential basics to confidently dive with a diving professional by your side.

SSI Open Water Diver

Open Water Diver

Begin your adventure into the exciting underwater world of our oceans and learn all the basics and techniques to move safely underwater.

For Advanced Divers

You want to take your diving skills to the next level? The SSI Advanced Training programs are the ideal next step to dive into even more exciting and challenging underwater experiences. Whether you want to improve your underwater navigation, experience the thrill of night diving, or explore the fascinating world of deep diving, the SSI Advanced Training programs, including the SSI Advanced Adventurer and SSI Diver Stress and Rescue, are specifically designed for your goals. Each program offers a combination of detailed theoretical knowledge and practical training to enhance your skills and prepare you for diverse diving experiences. Choosing an SSI Advanced Training program not only expands your diving knowledge but also continues your journey to discover the wonders of the marine world and contribute to its conservation.

SSI Scuba Skill Update

Scuba Skills Update

Have you been out of the water for a while? Then refresh your essential skills and dive back in confidently.

SSI Advanced Adventurer

Advanced Adventurer

Learn more about your options underwater and try five specialties to acquire new skills.

SSI Diver Stress & Rescue

Diver Stress & Rescue

Learn how to protect yourself and other divers, and how to respond confidently in emergencies.

SSI Specialty Diver

SSI Specialties

Deep Diving, Navigation, Science of Diving, all the way to diving with Nitrox and many more – take your diving skills to the next level.

SSI Divemaster


Become a Dive Pro and start your career in the diving industry, or use the course to become the best diver you can be.

SSI XR (Tec-Diving)

Immerse yourself in the world of tec diving with Blue Ocean Dive Dahab and SSI’s Extended Range programs! Discover the adventurer in you as you enjoy longer dive times and feel the adrenaline rush when diving into the depths of reefs. Take your diving skills to a new level with courses like Extended Range Nitrox Diver, Technical Extended Range Diver, Hypoxic Trimix, and more.

With SSI’s Extended Range specialties, you’ll gain a high level of skills and knowledge and become the best tec diver you can be. Blue Ocean Dive Dahab is your destination for these top-notch programs.

Whether you’re an experienced tec diver or just starting out, SSI offers the most comprehensive selection of tec diving programs in the industry. Break through your limits, go further, dive deeper, and let the underwater adventures with SSI Extended Range and Blue Ocean Dive Dahab begin!

SSI Extended Range Foundations

Extended Range Foundations

Expand and solidify your diving skills while learning to handle technical equipment and gaining your first experience in technical diving.

SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving

Extended Range Nitrox Diving

Establish your foundation for technical dive training and learn to safely use enriched breathing gases with up to 100% oxygen.

SSI Extended Range

Extended Range

Exceed your previous depth limit and safely dive into new underwater worlds below the 40m mark.

SSI Technical Extended Range

Technical Extended Range

Take your tec skills to the next level and learn to conduct decompression dives at new depths.

SSI Hypoxic Trimix

Hypoxic Trimix

Get ready to push the boundaries of your technical diving skills and safely dive the ultimate decompression dives.