Tec-Taucher mit Stage Tank und Nitrox 50TDI COURSES
Tec-Taucher mit Stage Tank und Nitrox 50TDI COURSES

Discover the adventure of Technical Diving at Blue Ocean Dive Dahab

Unlike conventional recreational diving, technical diving goes beyond the traditional limits of single-tank diving with normal air and without decompression obligations. It opens up a fascinating world where multiple tanks, various gas mixtures, and exceeding decompression limits become the norm.

This highly specialized form of diving requires thorough dive planning and a deep understanding of technical diving principles. At Blue Ocean Dive Dahab, we offer customized TDI (Technical Diving International) courses that allow you to explore this captivating realm.

Our TDI Instructor Trainer, Tom Habeck, brings extensive experience in technical diving and is exceptionally qualified to teach the full range of TDI courses. These courses delve deeply into the complexities of technical diving theory, covering topics such as accelerated decompression, surface air consumption (SAC), and the use of stage tanks. Dive into the world of technical diving and discover new underwater horizons!

Why Choose Technical Diving with TDI Courses in Dahab?

Technical diving expands your opportunities to explore fascinating dive sites such as wrecks or the famous Blue Hole in Dahab, allowing you to enjoy longer bottom times.

At Blue Ocean Dive Dahab, we regularly explore dive sites like “The Canyon.” While recreational divers can only spend about 5 minutes at this depth, proper TDI technical diving training extends this time to around 20 minutes. This allows for extensive exploration, underwater photography, and a more immersive experience with marine life.

During our technical diving courses, we place great emphasis on comprehensive knowledge development and intensive practical exercises. Through multiple dives in confined and open water environments, as well as learning to use technical diving equipment, students immerse themselves in a new world. Each course is carefully structured and spans 2-5 days to ensure a sustainable learning experience.

Discover the possibilities of technical diving with Blue Ocean Dive Dahab and dive into a world full of adventure!

Intro to Tech

Intro to Tec

Expand and solidify your diving skills while learning to handle technical equipment and gaining your first experience in technical diving.

Advanced Nitrox

Advanced Nitrox Diver

Establish your foundation for technical dive training and learn to safely use enriched breathing gases with up to 100% oxygen.

Decompression Procedures

Decompression Procedures

Exceed your previous depth limit and safely dive into new underwater worlds below the 40m mark.

Extended Range

Extended Range Diver

Take your tec skills to the next level and learn to conduct decompression dives at new depths.


Trimix Diver

Get ready to push the boundaries of your technical diving skills and safely dive the ultimate decompression dives.

Advanced Trimix

Advanced Trimix Diver